HJCh. SKCh. CZCh. Phibi Sun in their eyes
D.O.B. 09.05.2010 - D.O.D. 16.10.2020
by Mallorn´s Rogue´s Gallery x Emily Katie´s Labrador Yard
HD - A
ED - O
PRA - clear (LABOKLIN)
EIC - carrier (LABOKLIN)
RD/OSD - clear (OPTIGEN)
full dentition
eyes clear - september 2016
Hungaria Junior Champion, Slovak Champion, Czech Champion, Multiple CAC, CAJC, HPJ, 2x CACIB, res.CACIB, BOS, res. Junior BIS, BIS working champion, Clubsieger AU
National Field Trial - II. prize, OVVR I. prize (ability test), JSR - I. prize, VSR III. prize - universal dog
breeder: Dušan a Vierka Valentoví, Slovakia
You will stay in our hearts and minds forever good girl...
Navždy Ti budem vďačná za všetko čo mám...
HCh. SKCh. De Luxe Kiss of Little Bubble
D.O.B. 20.02.2007 - D.O.D. 23.04.2021
by Mallorn´s Corbusier x Bubbling Temptation
HD - A
ED - O
PRA - clear by parents
RD/OSD - clear by parents
EIC - EIC/EIC by parents
full dentition
Hungaria Champion, Slovak Champion, Multiple CAC,res. CAC, CAJC, res. CACIB, Clubwinner Tata, BOS
OVVR I. prize (ability test), FSMP - I. prize
breeder: Janka Černická
You will be always my first and special , my love
Navždy budeš mojou prvou a jedinečnou, spi sladko Zarenka